Rooby Whishes

Rooby Whishes

Sunday 23 December 2012

Helloooooo Im still here

What am I blogging for how long?????

I have been so wrapped up in the energies flying around right now, and am so glad the World didnt end on 21.12.12.... 

So here are some pictures of what I have been up too.

My Christmas Tree

A trip to Glastonbury and Avebury with Beautiful Souls

Celebrating 12.12.12. at the London Metropole Hotel

Goody Bag.....freeeeee!

......and painty times....I am loving drawing faces, and playing with the Pages App. I am painting and drawing on cut up cardboard, layering it with paper, and then drawing on it. I signed up for Rachelle Panagarry's Candy Chick class I just needed inspiration to draw, and she is such an inspiration. And has just such a lovely soothing voice. I have adored every minute. Such a wonderful way to relax, and create

So onward to 2013. So many people around me are just going through it right now. This is the tine to release all that old stuff you've been clinging on to emotionally, and start living from the Heart. We can heal this amazing Home of ours, and live the lives we want, with all the abundance in love, and wealth we choose to receive. You are worth so, so much more. And the Angels are here for us aaaaaaall the time...just ask for their help.

I am so grateful to myself for all the hard work I have put in tis year, releasing, releasing, releasing. The challenges have been shocking, and I will write about them, but not just yet. I have had to look at every aspect of my being, and let go of what no longer serves me. I am soooooo excoooiiited for 2013 because I know it is a rebirth for so many of us. I am seeing so many evolve around me, and my Heart just sings........

Have a magical Christmas, all of you. I know some of you arent well, so here is a whole heap of love'n'hugs for you ((((((Hugs n' Love)))))



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